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Maintaining wellbeing during your job search

Maintaining wellbeing during your job search

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Maintaining wellbeing during your job search

​The process of searching for a job is one rigged with highs and lows. It is a difficult process for many reasons, the loneliness, lack of supervision and structure, and the unpredictability of success. A job seeker is often under pressure given the enormity of what’s at stake and must rely on their own instincts to understand what level of commitment and effort is required.  Each person needs to decide how much and how often they ought to be searching for a job while being able to bounce off rejection and lack of proper feedback.

When rejections start to multiply, it can be tough to keep pushing through without feeling depressed. Not only is it up to you to manage your job search effectively, but you’re also in charge of managing your own mental health. And the two go hand in hand in terms of determining your ability to secure a role.  Though looking for a job can be one of the most challenging tasks in life, it’s important to be resilient and push through the negative emotions. Being job-less for a lengthy period of time can take an effect on one’s self-esteem and mental health.

It’s not just the process of job searching that can impact your mental health. It could be managing the pressures of an existing job, or issues regarding family or a financial situation. Regardless of what the issue, it’s important to make mental health a priority. Mental health is an increasingly important topic in the workplace with common mental health disorders, most notably depression and anxiety, now recognized as the leading cause of sickness absence and long-term work disability. Recent studies in the UK (The UK Workplace Wellbeing Survey) indicated that over 25% of absences were due to psychological conditions.  Research also indicates that less than 10% of workers suffering from a mental condition disclose this to their employers.  With 1 in 5 Australians affected by mental illness, the need to be better as an organisations and as leaders within is imperative.