Disability Confident Recruiter
DFP is the first Organisation in Australia to become a Disability Confident Recruiter

DFP is the first organisation in Australia to become a Disability Confident Recruiter– recognition of our continued commitment to advancing the inclusion of people with disability.
DFP places great emphasis on inclusion and accessibility by providing opportunities for all people and working with clients who share in these ideas.
In striving to make real progress in offering further support to candidates with disability to access and participate equitably throughout the recruitment process, DFP recently partnered with the Australian Disability Network (AusDN) to assist us in understanding how to do this effectively and with confidence via the Disability Confident Recruiter (DCR) program.
Championing the business case for practising inclusive recruitment was made easier through the involvement of the Chief Operating Officer whose commitment was evident and enthusiasm cascaded throughout all levels of the business.
Initial training completed by the DFP Executive and leadership team members prior to the formal program provided a firm foundation supporting our strategic focus on becoming disability confident.
The intense and rigorous program required DFP to provide evidence of accessible recruitment practices against a checklist of good practice, and for all operational staff to undertake an e-learn on creating inclusive recruitment practices, as an individual, every day.
As a result of these efforts, our clients and candidates can be confident that our practices treat every candidate with respect and our processes are equitable and fair. DFP staff are disability confident enabling them to access and manage a wider range of skills and talent. This, in conjunction with our inclusive recruitment practices, also assures our clients that DFP is able to offer greater support in attracting and engaging people with disability into their work forces.
As a Disability Confident Recruiter organisation:
We want to make every interaction with DFP positive and easy. Having achieved DCR enables our team, systems and processes to provide opportunities for candidates to access and participate equitably in the recruitment process.
We would like to be recognised for our commitment to accessibility and inclusivity. This translates to treating every candidate with respect and ensuring our practices are equitable and fair.
DFP staff can have confident discussions with all candidates.
Our staff can have confident discussions with clients regarding candidates with disability and any workplace adjustments that may be required.
DFP can be a reference tool for clients regarding recruitment of candidates with disability.
Celebrating 5 years as a Disability Confident Recruiter
Under the expert guidance of the Australian Disability Network (AusDN), in 2016 DFP took part in one of AND’s flagship programs, Disability Confident Recruiter (DCR). Our commitment to the program led to DFP becoming the first organisation in Australia to become a Disability Confident Recruiter.
This month, DFP achieved DCR status for the fifth consecutive year having successfully fulfilled all the requirements of the AusDN audit. DFP works to ensure all recruitment processes, services and systems continue to meet the criteria for DCR. This has enabled our recruitment teams to confidently apply adjustments, processes and considerations necessary to provide equitable practices that foster inclusion.
We work collaboratively with people across Government and corporate Australia to implement practices throughout the full recruitment and work cycle that foster inclusion and remove barriers.
DFP is passionately committed to diversity and inclusion and we are thrilled to reach this milestone.
The Inaugural Disability Confidence Awards
Building disability confidence in an organisation takes commitment and passion. The Disability Confidence Awards recognise organisations and individuals who have shown commitment to disability confidence in 2022. Disability confidence is a journey and there is always opportunity to learn and grow. DFP is proud to be recognised for our long term commitment and capability as a Disability Confident Recruiter by the Australian Disability Network (AusDN) at their Inaugural Awards night in June.

We remain energised to supporting people with disability to find meaningful work and build impactful careers and to partnering with our clients to deliver their accessibility and inclusion objectives.
Contact us to find out more about DFP’s inclusive recruitment practices or get in touch with your local DFP Branch.