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How do you build resilience into your organisation

How do you build resilience into your organisation

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How do you build resilience into your organisation

​“Letting it go”, “willingness to try and willingness to fail”, “openness to change”, “challenging the status quo” – these were just some of the ideas shared by participants about what resilience meant to them in our recent forums on Building Resilience. While the definition of resilience differed, the concept’s level of importance to every organisation was consistent. With the pressures on modern organisations such as constant change, on-going need for productivity improvement, technology and often 24 X 7 availability means resilience capability is increasingly important. This in turn places a great amount of responsibility on leaders to understand what it means to be resilient and its relationship to wellbeing and performance.

The Eustress Model can be useful to help leaders formulate their management strategies to ensure staff are not strained or face burn out.  The model looks at the effect created by the perceived level of pressure on performance.  Managers need to constantly strive to achieve the optimal stress range through proper task allocation and motivation, along with good communication to help identify employees’ level of stress.


Remember it’s often not the stress that becomes detrimental, but rather the reaction to it!

Our next session on Building Resilience is on Friday 23rd of October 2015 in Brisbane. Contact Tom Hatch thatch@dfp.com.au, (03) 98632 9952/1300 337 000 or your DFP Consultant for more details.