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Blogs in HR

Blogs in HR

Met Gala Blog

Fashion meets Talent: Exploring similarities of the Met Gala and Recruitment

​The Met Gala once again captivated the world with its extravagant displays of fashion and creativity. As we marvel at the stunning ensembles gracing the red carpet, it's intriguing to draw paralle...

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Easter Hidden Treasures

Evaluating the Easter eggs (hidden benefits) in your job search

​With the first long break of the year upon us, most people have spent time and effort planning a holiday and looking forward to a break from work during Easter. If you have been looking for a job ...

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Interview Date 437x494 (1)

Valentine’s Day career advice – Similarities between a date and an interview

​Much like a romantic date, attending a job interview requires the right mix of making a good first impression, dressing to impress and selling yourself appropriately. While you’re likely to receiv...

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Job Offers

How to evaluate multiple job offers

​​When it rains, it pours! As the saying goes, you may find yourself in such a mindset when you’re going through the job search process. Keep getting multiple rejections, and when you finally get ...

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How To Job Search Blog (437 × 304 Px)

How to search for jobs in 2024

​In the dynamic job market of 2024, navigating the job search process requires a strategic approach. This blog will guide you through the essential steps to maximise your chances of landing your dr...

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Stress Retail2 (1)

How can you help employees deal with the Christmas rush?

​Our forums on Employee Wellbeing revealed the many challenges faced by both managers and employees with regard to workplace stress. In the article below, WorkPro shares some tips on how to effecti...

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Award Winner On Stage

The Art of Selection: Lessons in Recruitment from the AFL Draft

​Recruitment is an art that extends far beyond the corporate realm. In the world of sports, particularly in the Australian Football League (AFL), the annual draft serves as a prime example of how m...

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Job Searching On Computer

Job search obstacles in technology – The importance of persistence and planning

​Losing a job is difficult for anyone and requires some self-reflection and careful planning to get back into a suitable role. You could find yourself in a scenario where you have completed the ba...

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Spring Carnival Blog (1)

Spring Carnival Fashion – 3 things job seekers can learn from racegoers

​For some, the Spring Carnival season is not just about racing, it’s more about fashion! From the latest trends in colours and styles to the most outlandish head gear. While there’s no need for job...

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Legal Interview

How to prepare for a legal interview - A Junior Lawyer's Guide

​Being a lawyer can be challenging and securing your first full time legal practice role is an important milestone in your career. However, the first step towards this goal is facing the interview ...

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How To Prepare For A Technology Interview

How to prepare for a technology job interview

​Landing a technology job in today's competitive job market requires more than just a strong resume. Technology job interviews can entail rigorous and demanding assessments, yet with proper readine...

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Spring Cleaning

Give your resume a spring clean – updating your resume

​So you’ve done a clean up of your room, your closet and perhaps even updated your book collection or playlists. It’s a good feeling when you’ve got things cleared out and organised. But when’s the...

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Post Job Search

How to follow up after a job interview

​Next to being informed about landing a job, many candidates find the end of an interview and the relief of doing well to be the second best feeling. Given all the preparation and stress that goes ...

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Negotiation E1429596960341

Negotiating your job offer: How to handle the salary question

​There comes a moment in the interview process when you realise that the interviewer is selling you on the benefits of working for their organisation. You find that you no longer need to “sell” you...

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Encouraging diversity in the workplace

​If you happen to tune into your local news station around a topic of diversity or multiculturalism, you’re more than likely to pick up a political sound bite about how well Australia does diversit...

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Karratha Blog 1

Living and working in Karratha

​Karratha is the powerhouse of the Pilbara and a focal point of the Oil, Gas and Mining industry in Australia. It is a place where you can find dynamic employment opportunities and a high standard ...

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Interview Panel

Job Interview Rehearsal – How to practice for your interview

​Practice does make perfect! If you have an interview coming up, the best preparation is to practise how you would speak in the interview. Even if you don’t have an interview lined up, but are sear...

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Flexible Working 2

Flexible work practices – building a culture of flexibility at work

​The workplace is constantly changing and evolving, with increasing online solutions allowing for workplace mobility and an awareness of the importance of work/life balance, more than ever before t...

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Reference Blog

Need a reference? Avoid this crucial mistake

​Many job seekers make the mistake of confirming their referees well after commencing their job search. It is important to resolve the issue of references at the start of your job hunt so that this...

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DFP Project Job Index – March 2018

A summary of demand for jobs in the project management sector for the month of March 2018.

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Handshake Image

What is a proper handshake?

A good handshake is one of the keys to making a strong first impression. Make sure you get it right!

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Peter Blog Image

The Benefits of an Internship

​To intern or not to intern? That is the question. At least it used to be the question among students on the cusp of graduation. Sadly the value of the internship seems to have changed as evident b...

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Workplace Stress

3 tips for reducing stress in the workplace

​Our recent forums on Employee Wellbeing revealed the many challenges faced by both managers and employees with regard to workplace stress. In the article below, WorkPro shares some tips on how to ...

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Long Distance Job Search Image

How to handle a long distance job search

​Due to globalisation, job networks and opportunities are more accessible compared to 10-20 years ago. Depending on your lifestyle and willingness to commute, many opportunities that were beyond co...

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Power Nap Blog Image

Power napping – A key to employee wellbeing

​Many organisations have started to realise the importance of sleep health for their staff and the benefits of an integrated wellbeing program and its effects on employee productivity. While it may...

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Behavioural Interview

How to answer behavioural interview questions

​Many candidates are often spooked by behavioural interviews, ruining their chances of landing a role they’re more than qualified to perform. In reality though, there’s nothing to be spooked about ...

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Contract Blog Image

How to find your next contract

​The end of financial year period can be a stressful time, not just for finance and payroll departments, but also for those finishing up contracts or looking for new work. Contractors looking for t...

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R U Ok Logo

R U OK? day – A little effort can make a big difference

​You wake up in the morning and turn the alarm off on your phone. You check for any messages, notifications and content that you find interesting on your commute to work. Depending on the type of j...

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Wellness at work – 3 steps to a better you

​Wellness wasn’t always a way of life for me. Like most people, I found it hard to incorporate food, exercise, mindfulness with a demanding career and an active social life – until a change in pers...

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Video Job Interview

How to prepare for a Video Interview

​With so much of how we communicate changing over the last few years, it’s only natural that the interview and hiring process also reflects these communication changes. Over the last few years, vid...

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Caring Manager

How to address presenteeism in organisations

​As organisations continue to focus on reducing absenteeism, presenteeism remains a problem that’s unaddressed. With the cost and occurrence of presenteeism being higher than absenteeism, why aren’...

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Arriving Early Blog

Why you shouldn’t arrive too early for your interview

When it comes to interview preparation, most job seekers would attest to the many articles they have come across emphasising the importance of arriving on time for their interview. Being late to an...

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Job Search Plan Blog

How to set up a job search plan

Searching for a job can be a very lengthy process. While you go through the process, you want to make sure your efforts translate into success, not to mention keeping your sanity in check. Here’s w...

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Job Search Obtacles Blog Image

Job search obstacles – How to prevent losing your mind

​Like most activities in life, your job search is likely to consist of highs and lows, peaks and valleys, successes and failures. It is important to guard against discouragement and inactivity.Losi...

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Rock Kickers E1489446707152

Mining economy showing signs of recovery

​The following article and image have been re-produced from the West Australian, published on Monday, 13 March 2017.Slim pickings for rock kickersBy: Josh ChiatThe rest of the mining economy seems ...

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Unconscious Bias Blog Image

How to handle unconscious bias at work

​A few years ago when Youtube launched the video upload feature in their app, they were surprised to notice that 5-10% of videos uploaded were appearing upside-down. How could there be a knowledge ...

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Transferring your accomplishments to your resume

​One of the keys to a successful job application is a detailed listing of accomplishments in a candidate’s resume. Not only does this allow your resume to stand out, but it also helps you by provid...

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References Blog Post1

Positioning your references for success

​It is important to resolve the issue of references at the start of your job search so that it will not cause undue anxiety. Typically, your former employers and associates will not intend to say a...

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No Show

Running late for your interview? Think twice.

​It is said that getting to the interview stage is often half the battle won in terms of securing a new job. Now you have the chance to show off your skills and experience and put forward your case...

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Melb Pic For Blog

Disability Employment – DFP Recruitment is a Disability Confident Recruiter (DCR)

​DFP Recruitment is the first labour hire recruitment company in Australia to become a Disability Confident Recruiter (DCR).  The Australian Network on Disability (AND) presented DFP with the DCR c...

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Mining Man

WA miners get back to work

​The below article was published by Kim Macdonald of The West Australian on September 9, 2016. Demand for WA resource workers has jumped more than 16 per cent in the past year, according to nationa...

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Gender Equality Image

Gender equality – ideas to generate innovation and commitment

​On July 20 2016, DFP and the Gender, Leadership and Social  Sustainability Research Unit (GLASS) at Monash University, conducted a forum on progressing gender equality in the workplace. The forum ...

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Tired At Work

Presenteeism and the cost to your organisation

While Absenteeism can be obvious and easier to measure, presenteeism is subtle and difficult to pin point. Presenteeism is when an employee is physically at work but is not being productive. Or as ...

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Elvator Pitch Blog

Perfecting your Elevator Pitch

Think of the powerful impact a commercial can have on you while you are watching television and how you can be drawn to that product. Your personal commercial, commonly referred to as the ‘Elevator...

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Men Parental Leave 1

Parental leave for men – Changing the fear factor

​The following article was published in the Australian Financial Review (AFR) by Rebecca Greenfield on Jun 21 2016 at 2:45 PMShould men be afraid to take parental leaveMen not taking time off to ca...

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Perfect Job

Finding the perfect job

The perfect job can be more elusive than you think.So you’ve managed to find an opportunity that you feel could be the perfect job. If only your salary expectations were met! It’s not often that yo...

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Lie Detector

Spot a lie like the FBI-How to know when someone is not truthful

​Think about an interviewee who seems like a great fit, but doesn’t quite answer a specific question about their experience. Or, perhaps you’re in the midst of a business negotiation that is starti...

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Career Transition

How to get your career back on track after a redundancy

​Organisational restructures or redundancies is an extremely difficult experience, not just for the individual, but also their family and friends. With the pressures associated with global competit...

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Wellbeing Part 5

How to prevent a workplace well-being program from failing

​With a growing emphasis on employee well-being in the workplace, HR  departments are expected to design and deliver a workplace well-being strategy. Here’s the final part of the list put together ...

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Wellbeing Part 4

Workplace well-being programs – An ongoing dynamic process

​With a growing emphasis on employee well-being in the workplace, HR  departments are expected to design and deliver a workplace well-being strategy. Continuing with the list put together by the Gl...

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Blog Image 1

The DFP Recruitment – Latrobe City Community Fun Run and Walk 2016

​The DFP Recruitment – Latrobe City Community Fun Run and Walkis a terrific community event, proudly raising funds for Gippsland Rotary Centenary House (GRCH). An essential cancer support service, ...

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Wellbeing Part 3

Dealing with the challenges of a workplace well-being strategy

​With a growing emphasis on employee well-being in the workplace, HR  departments are expected to design and deliver a workplace well-being strategy. Continuing with the list put together by the Gl...

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Wellbeing Part 2

How to create workplace well-being programs

​With a growing emphasis on employee well-being in the workplace, HR  departments are expected to design and deliver a workplace well-being strategy. Continuing with the list put together by the Gl...

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Wellbeing E1456186322448

Workplace well-being – 11 guaranteed ways to fail

Organisations continue to understand the positive impact gained from placing an emphasis on employee health and engagement in their managerial process. DFP’s recent forums on employee well-being ha...

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Flexible Working

The benefits of workplace flexibility for your organisation

​You may have already heard quite a bit about workplace flexibility and the positive impacts it creates for an organisation. You may also be wondering why your organisation hasn’t caught up to this...

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Gender Equality 1

The importance of workplace gender equality

​At the beginning of October, the Workplace Gender Equity Agency (WGEA) launched the GEI3 Pay Equity data for 2014-15 accompanied by the 2015 pay equity report card, as well as a case study from th...

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Job Search

5 steps to a stress-free job search

​“Looking for a job is a full time job in itself!” A phrase often heard from job seekers who have had a tough experience or those trying to be supportive of a job seeker and offering words of encou...

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Wellbeing Hero Image

Measuring and Improving Employee Wellbeing

​Our upcoming forums on Employee Wellbeing aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the key factors that drive wellbeing at work. The below case study by FBG Group, highlights the importance...

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Resilience Blog

How do you build resilience into your organisation

​“Letting it go”, “willingness to try and willingness to fail”, “openness to change”, “challenging the status quo” – these were just some of the ideas shared by participants about what resilience m...

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Rcsa Gala Pic 1

DFP wins McLean award for Workplace Safety

View COO Kate Coath’s acceptance speech on behalf of DFP Recruitment.

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Keeping your workplace safe

​DFP Wins RCSA McLean award for workplace safety.Our Corporate Value Safety states ‘DFP People put safety first’.At DFP, we are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all employe...

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Matching Fit3

Matching your skills to the job interview

​In order to have a successful interview, it’s essential to direct the interviewer to your strengths. When thinking about how to answer interview questions, keep a simple idea in mind:Match needs n...

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Reference E1471481235341

The Importance of References

​DFP CEO Robert van Stokrom talks to Perth radioon the importance of references and police checks in the recruitment process.

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New Website Edm E1429835624918

Introducing the new DFP website – A more personalised experience

​The new DFP website helps you stay connected anytime, anywhere.DFP Recruitment is excited to introduce the new, a website responsively designed to adjust to your device and platform. T...

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